• 美孚arma拉玛798 钢丝绳防锈剂
  • 最后更新:2021-06-01 11:56信息编号:13329浏览次数:821次浏览
  • 产品价格:1250.00 元/桶
  • 起订数量:
  • 供货总量:100 桶
  • 产品品牌:美孚润滑油,壳牌润滑油
  • 型号:美孚arma拉玛798 钢丝绳防锈剂
  • 产品型号:拉玛798
  • 发货地址:上海
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货
  • 有效期至:长期有效
型号 美孚arma拉玛798 钢丝绳防锈剂
产品型号 拉玛798
规格 208L
主要用途 防锈
品牌 美孚


arma 798 Mobil
钢丝绳免受盐雾和充满水分的环境中的腐蚀倾向 -
防锈脂 arma 798

Mobilarma 798

Wire Rope Rust Protective and Lubricant


Product Deion

Mobilarma 798 is high performance, oil-based rust preventive intended to serve as a wire rope lubricant and to prevent rust and corrosion under operating and storage conditions. It is used in industrial, mining and marine applications. Mobilarma 798 has excellent film forming properties and is of grease-like consistency. Its tenacious film protects wire ropes from the corrosive tendencies of salt spray and moisture-la**tmospheres. Mobilarma 798 is effective throughout the extremes of temperatures that may be encountered at sea and gives good protection against mild acids. It is pliable at -35oC and will not drip at 60oC. It resists throw-off in high-speed service and adheres without being tacky or stringy. On application, Mobilarma 798 becomes transparent; enabling treated ropes to be visually inspected. The film is self-healing and does not chip.

Mobilarma 798 works well between the strands of wire rope, providing excellent lubrication during flexing. This characteristic reduces wear and improves life. It is compatible with other wire rope core impregnating materials that may have been applied during manufacture.


Features and Benefits

Mobilarma 798 works well between the strands of wire rope, providing excellent lubrication during flexing. This characteristic reduces wear and helps improve life. It is compatible with other wire rope core impregnating materials that may have been applied during manufacture. Its excellent rust and corrosion protection properties substantially reduce the negative effects of fresh water, salt water and mild acids thus improving performance and reducing maintenance costs. It is easy to apply and economical to use.

Key features and potential benefits include:


Advantages and Potential Benefits

Outstanding adhesive characteristics

Resists throw-off
Forms transparent film making rope inspection easier

Excellent rust and corrosion protection

Provides protection against rusting from both fresh water and salt water over a wide temperature range
Protects rope against attack from mild acids

Very good lubrication properties

Reduces wear
Improved efficiency

Easy application

Can be applied by or swab as received
Can be applied by spray, dip or bath if heated


Mobilarrma 798 is recommended for the preservation of both standing and running wire ropes aboard ships. It can also be used effectively on anchor chains. Mobilarma 798 can either be applied as received by  or swab, or by spray, dip or bath if the product is first heated to 65oC to 80°C in a well ventilated area. For best results, only a thin coat should be applied. New cables or cables regularly maintained with Mobilarma 798 will require no prior preparation. For best results, rusty or dirty wire ropes should be wire  and cleaned thoroughly with solvent and dried prior to application of Mobilarma 798.

Typical Properties


Health and Safety

based on available information, this product is not expected to produce adverse effects on health when used for the intended application, following the recommendations provided in the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS). MSDSs are available upon request through your sales contract office, or via the Internet on //www.exxonmobil.com. This product should not be used for purposes other than its intended use. If disposing of used product, take care to protect the environment.

The ExxonMobil logotype and Mobilarma are trademarks of Exxon Mobil Corporation, or one of its subsidiaries.  

ExxonMobil Marine Limited
Ermyn Way
United Kingdom KT22 8UX

Due to continual product research and development, the information contained herein is subject to change without notification.  
Typical Properties may vary slightly.
