• 供应Mobilmet Sigma油性切削油
  • 最后更新:2021-06-01 12:47信息编号:14285浏览次数:1039次浏览
  • 产品价格:89.00 元/桶
  • 起订数量:
  • 供货总量:500 桶
  • 比重:0.867
  • 规格:20L/桶
  • 发货地址:广东 深圳市
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货
  • 有效期至:长期有效
比重 0.867
规格 20L/桶
倾点 -
闪点 122
粘度等级 445
品牌 美孚
型号 Mobilmet Sigma油性切削油
40℃运动粘度 29.88

美孚润滑油系列 > 油性切削油 > Mobilmet Gamma/ Mobilmet Omega
Mobilmet Gamma/ Mobilmet Omega 
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Mobilmet Alpha, Sigma, Gamma, and Omega

Oil based Cutting Fluids

Product Description

Mobilmet Alpha, Mobilmet Sigma, Mobilmet Gamma, and Mobilmet Omega are high performance mineral-oil-type active cutting oils incorporating synthesised additive technology. The balanced selection of additives in each Mobilmet cutting oil maximises performance over the wide range of pressures and temperatures encountered when machining difficult metals under difficult conditions. This chemically-synthesised, active additive combination also controls buildup on the tool tip, resulting in a better surface finish.
These Mobilmet cutting oils contain the active anti-weld properties that are required for cutting difficult-to-machine metals. They are transparent on the work piece, allowing good visual inspection of machined parts. These oils, however, can discolour the surface of copper alloys. Mobilmet Alpha, Sigma, Gamma, and Omega are designed for a wide variety of metal cutting operations, severities and metallurgies. They are also formulated for ease of use and operator convenience. These attributes have resulted in these fluids becoming the products of choice for many machine shops.
Mobilmet Alpha cutting oil is the lowest-viscosity product in the series. It is recommended for deep-hole or gun drilling where its low viscosity enables it to flush swarf and chips away from the hole and permits fines to settle quickly. Mobilmet Sigma cutting oil is a medium-viscosity oil that will provide outstanding performance in general-purpose machine operations. It is recommended for nearly all machining operations on ferrous metals, except heavy-duty operations where tolerance and finish are critical, or for operations such as deep-hole drilling where a low-viscosity oil is needed. It is a transparent, low-odor cutting oil that gives outstanding results when compared with other cutting oils in the same viscosity range. Its very high anti-weld and lubricity compounding make it useful on tough, draggy metals. It contains an anti-mist agent. Mobilmet Gamma is a cutting oil with high anti-weld and lubricity compounding. It is recommended for more severe operations, such as heavy-duty threading, tapping, and broaching on difficult-to-machine metals. Where staining is not critical, it may be used on brass, bronze, or other copper-bearing alloys. This anti-mist-type oil is a transparent, low-odor product that provides outstanding performance compared to other so-called heavy-duty cutting oils. Mobilmet Omega is an extremely heavy-duty cutting oil for hard-to-machine metals that must be broached, tapped, or threaded.

Features and Benefits

The Mobilmet brand of cutting fluids has gained a reputation for innovation and outstanding performance over the years. Mobilmet Alpha, Sigma, Gamma, and Omega are an important member of this family with their active additive and low-misting technology. This proprietary formulation approach, developed by our formulation scientists in conjunction with key customers, yields superb performance in a wide range of applications.
Features and potential benefits of Mobilmet Alpha, Sigma, Gamma, and Omega products include:

FeaturesAdvantages and Potential Benefits
Very active anti-weld additive technologyHigh cutting efficiency, better surface finish and closer tolerances for overall improved productivity
Helps increase tool life between regrinds
Reduced chip welding in heavy-duty operations
Faster machining at higher speeds and/or feeds
Multi-purpose capabilityFewer cutting oils in shop and potential for lower inventory costs
Less misting (Mobilmet Sigma, Gamma)Improved workplace and operator safety


Mobilmet Alpha, Sigma, Gamma, and Omega are designed for a wide variety of metal cutting operations, severities and metallurgies. Specific applications, by grade, include:

  • Mobilmet Alpha cutting oil is the lowest-viscosity product in the series. It is recommended for deep-hole or gun drilling. It can be used on a variety of metals including stainless steels, high-nickel steel and heat-resistant alloys, and in most machining operations.
  • Mobilmet Sigma cutting oil provides outstanding performance in general-purpose machine operations. It is recommended for nearly all machining operations on ferrous metals, except heavy-duty operations where tolerance and finish are critical, or for operations such as deep-hole drilling where a low-viscosity oil is needed. It is suitable for all kinds of steel under normal cutting duty. Where staining is not critical, it may be used on brass, bronze, or other copper-bearing alloys.
  • Mobilmet Gamma is recommended for more severe operations, such as heavy-duty threading, tapping, and broaching on difficult-to-machine metals. Unlike many conventional heavy-duty cutting oils, however, Mobilmet Gamma will operate efficiently on less-difficult materials. Where staining is not critical, it may be used on brass, bronze, or other copper-bearing alloys.
  • Mobilmet Omega is an extremely heavy-duty cutting oil for hard-to-machine metals that must be broached, tapped, or threaded.

    Typical Properties
    Viscosity, ASTM D 445    
    cSt @ 40o C18.4529.8833.8442.6
    cSt @ 100o C4.
    Viscosity Index, ASTM D 2270120122121119
    Specific Gravity @15o C kg/l, ASTM D 12987.2277.37.3297.46
    Total Sulphur, ASTM D 2622, wt-%1.4521.5171.638-
    Active Sulphur, ASTM D 1662, wt-%0.6950.8670.9041.90
