• 原装台湾鹰牌可倾斜分度盘VU-200,手动分度头
  • 最后更新:2021-06-08 13:08信息编号:46178浏览次数:755次浏览
  • 产品价格:3200.00 元/件
  • 起订数量:1 件
  • 供货总量:100 件
  • 产品品牌:群宝
  • 中心套孔直径:0(mm)
  • 发货地址:广东 东莞市
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 天内发货
  • 有效期至:长期有效
中心高 0
中心套孔直径 0(mm)
工作台面直径 200(mm)
主轴连接尺寸 0(mm)
T型槽宽度 0(mm)
定位键宽度 0(mm)
分度精度 0.01(s)
重复精度 0.01(s)
适用机床 皆可
品牌 台湾鹰牌
型号 VU-200



*DP-1 for VU-100,150         1001-030Inquriy
*DP-2 for VU-200         1001-031Inquriy

VERTEX Universal Tilting Rotary Table,VU-100,150,200






VERTEX,”cnc”,CNC Horizontal,Vertical Rotary Table, VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL ROTARY TABLE,VERTEX,C”NC”,Horizontal,Vertical,”Rotary Table”,VERTEX CNC ,”Horizontal”,”Vertical”,“Rotary”,”Table”,VERTEX CNC Horizontal,Vertical Rotary Table,VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL ROTARY TABLE,VERTEX C N C,H O R I Z O N T A L,V E R T I C A L,R O T A R Y,T A B L E,VERTEX,“CNC”,”HORIZONTAL”,”VERTICAL”,”ROTARY TABLE”VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL,”ROTARY”,”TABLE”,NC controller,“NC controller” CONTROLLER,“NC”,”controller”,NC,nc,“CONTROLLER”,HV-6,8,10,12,14,16,WITH faceVERTEX,”cnc”,CNC Horizontal,Vertical Rotary Table, VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL ROTARY TABLE,VERTEX,C”NC”,Horizontal,Vertical,”Rotary Table”,VERTEX CNC ,”Horizontal”,”Vertical”,“Rotary”,”Table”,VERTEX CNC Horizontal,Vertical Rotary Table,VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL ROTARY TABLE,VERTEX C N C,H O R I Z O N T A L,V E R T I C A L,R O T A R Y,T A B L E,VERTEX,“CNC”,”HORIZONTAL”,”VERTICAL”,”ROTARY TABLE”VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL,”ROTARY”,”TABLE”,NC controller,“NC controller” CONTROLLER,“NC”,”controller”,NC,nc,“CONTROLLER”,HV-6,8,10,12,14,16,WITH faceVERTEX,”cnc”,CNC Horizontal,Vertical Rotary Table, VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL ROTARY TABLE,VERTEX,C”NC”,Horizontal,Vertical,”Rotary Table”,VERTEX CNC ,”Horizontal”,”Vertical”,“Rotary”,”Table”,VERTEX CNC Horizontal,Vertical Rotary Table,VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL ROTARY TABLE,VERTEX C N C,H O R I Z O N T A L,V E R T I C A L,R O T A R Y,T A B L E,VERTEX,“CNC”,”HORIZONTAL”,”VERTICAL”,”ROTARY TABLE”VERTEX CNC HORIZonTAL VERTICAL,”ROTARY”,”TABLE”,NC controller,“NC controller” CONTROLLER,“NC”,”controller”,NC,nc,“CONTROLLER”,HV-6,8,10,12,14,16,WITH face plate,“MSC DIRECT”,”Enco”,M S C DIRECT,E n c o,”GANRO”,G A N R O,”Alibaba”,”a l i b a b a”,”National Supply Source” – “Machinery” and “Accessories”, “Milling” & Drilling Machine Accessories at,”Milling Machine” Accessories, Enco - Guaranteed Lowest Prices on MACHINE TOOL ACCESSORIES,Taiwan Parts, Accessories for Milling Machine -HD Video- Parts,MILLING MACHINE ACCESSORIES and other MILLING at MSCDirect.com,Milling Machine Manufacturers & Suppliers,Milling Machine Vise at Wholesale Tool,Milling Machine Vise-Milling Machine Vise Manufacturers, Suppliers,CNC - Haas Automation, Inc. - Haas Rotary - Rotary Tables, EXACT MACHINERY- CNC Rotary table,Indexing,Tilting table,Gear Indexer, CNC Rotary Table and More -HD Video GANRO Industrial,WEISS : Home - rotary table,indexer,machine building,rotary,”www.ganro.com.tw”,”www.”,”www1.mscdirect.com”, “www.reidsupply.com”,”www.use-enco.com”,”www.machinetools.net.tw”, “www.southern-tool.com”,”www.nolansupply.com”,"Milling Machine”, Accessories, M I l l I n g M a c h i n e – A c c e s s o r i e s “Taiwan”,”Rotary Table”,"rotary table",”supplier”,”maker”,supply,chain, “vertex”,best taiwan “manufacturer”,”produc”tion,vertex the “best” tool, “manufacture”ing,”machine”,橫立,"vertex", v e r t e x ,“MSC DIRECT”,”Enco”,M S C DIRECT,E n c o,”GANRO”,G A N R O,”Alibaba”,”a l i b a b a”,”National Supply Source” – “Machinery” and “Accessories”, “Milling” & Drilling Machine Accessories at,”Milling Machine” Accessories, Enco - Guaranteed Lowest Prices on MACHINE TOOL ACCESSORIES,Taiwan Parts, Accessories for Milling Machine -HD Video- Parts,MILLING MACHINE ACCESSORIES and other MILLING at MSCDirect.com,Milling Machine Manufacturers & Suppliers,Milling Machine Vise at Wholesale Tool,Milling Machine Vise-Milling Machine Vise Manufacturers, Suppliers,CNC - Haas Automation, Inc. - Haas Rotary - Rotary Tables, EXACT MACHINERY- CNC Rotary table,Indexing,Tilting table,Gear Indexer, CNC Rotary Table and More -HD Video GANRO Industrial,WEISS : Home - rotary table,indexer,machine building,rotary,”www.ganro.com.tw”,”www.”,”www1.mscdirect.com”, “www.reidsupply.com”,”www.use-enco.com”,”www.machinetools.net.tw”, www.southern-tool.com”,”www.nolansupply.com”,"Milling Machine”, Accessories, M I l l I n g M a c h i n e – A c c e s s o r i e s “Taiwan”,”Rotary Table”,"rotary table",”supplier”,”maker”,supply,chain, “vertex”,best taiwan “manufacturer”,”produc”tion,vertex the “best” tool, “manufacture”ing,”machine”,橫立,"vertex", v e r t e x “MSC DIRECT”,”Enco”,M S C DIRECT,E n c o,”GANRO”,G A N R O,”Alibaba”,”a l i b a b a”,”National Supply Source” – “Machinery” and “Accessories”, “Milling” & Drilling Machine Accessories at,”Milling Machine” Accessories, Enco - Guaranteed Lowest Prices on MACHINE TOOL ACCESSORIES,Taiwan Parts, Accessories for Milling Machine -HD Video- Parts,MILLING MACHINE ACCESSORIES and other MILLING at MSCDirect.com,Milling Machine Manufacturers & Suppliers,Milling Machine Vise at Wholesale Tool,Milling Machine Vise-Milling Machine Vise Manufacturers, Suppliers,CNC - Haas Automation, Inc. - Haas Rotary - Rotary Tables, EXACT MACHINERY- CNC Rotary table,Indexing,Tilting table,Gear Indexer, CNC Rotary Table and More -HD Video GANROFEATURE:

l        Tiliting range 0-90 degrees from horizontal to vertical postion, It is high rigidity.

l        Minimum Set-up time: It has two screws to lock setting. Low profile body for bigger capability.

l        Worm is hardened and ground. The ratio is 90:1. The work table is graduated a full 360? so that of the handle moves the table through 4?. Micro collar is graduated in steps of 2’ min.

l        The tailstock & Dividing plates are optional. The sizes is same as the rotary table, please see VERTEX CATALOG page A2.

l        For arc or index cutting at milling machine, Gringing machine or drill Machine
