• 供应 美国 BEST CARBIDE合金钻头
  • 最后更新:2021-05-28 16:06信息编号:7663浏览次数:1033次浏览
  • 产品价格:45.00 元/个
  • 起订数量:1000 个
  • 供货总量:1000 个
  • 样品或现货:现货
  • 直径:2.1mm
  • 发货地址:广东 深圳市
  • 发货期限:自买家付款之日起 1 天内发货
  • 有效期至:长期有效
样品或现货 现货
直径 2.1mm
是否库存 库存
是否批发 批发
材质 硬质合金
类别 直柄麻花钻
全长 44
是否标准件 标准
是否进口 进口
型号 BC204





BEST CARBIDE **硬质合金工具 发展 简介

  • 1980: Salvador Nuñez Sr. founded Best Carbide Cutting Tools, Inc. in Gar** with the ambition to produce simply the “best” carbide cutting tools for his customers.  The company mainly focuses on the aerospace industry in the greater Los Angeles area, manufacturing special carbide cutting tools.
  • 1984: Breakthrough in continuous product development.  Best Carbide becomes an authorized supplier to many semi conductor companies and expands into the manufacturing of industry standard solid carbide round tools.
  • 1989: Increased product developments leads to a business expansion into South America.  Best Carbide also purchases the 1st fully automated CNC machines with robots and makes a strategic commitment to establish a highly automated plant facility.
  • 1994: Continued sales expansion enables the move into a new plant facility.
  • 1998:  Best Carbide earns nationwide recognition as a reputable outsourcing manufacturer in the U.S. cutting tool industry.
  • 2006:  Continues growth! Best Carbide has expanded into a six (6) building industrial complex and employs over 60 full time employees.
  • 2007: Best Carbide launches its international branding strategy and accomplishes a new sales record, continuing its impressive double digit sales growth!
  • 2008: ALL TIMES SALES RECORD & double digit growth in a global recession year!

    • 2013 深圳嘉升刀具荣幸成为该品牌中国**代理.


    BEST CARBIDE **硬质合金工具加工过程视频 请直接点击链接:https://www.dropbox.com/s/o5dpp0ptiq50ou5/BestCarbide-Grob.mp4 
